Collective Behavior- Gangs

I believe that their are numerous reasons as to why people join gangs and I feel like each person has their own inner, as well as outer motives for this. Some of these motives could be that you are surrounded by the wrong group of friends that put this negative influence on you to join. This is especially true for young kids and teens that … Continue reading Collective Behavior- Gangs

Self Concept

1.) What social groups do you belong to? What are the norms of behavior that the group demonstrates (e.g., athletics, skateboarders, volunteers, musicians) I would say that I belong  to the academic group. If you are academic you are most likely organized, neat, goal orientated and determined. Some common stereotypes placed on academic people is that they do not have a social life, that everything is dedicated to school … Continue reading Self Concept

My Personality Test

 Picture credit due to  After completing the online quiz that was given to us I received the results- INFJ The Guides I- Introverted 33% Thought orientated, reserved, reflective and observant. N- Intuitive 9% Imaginative, future orientated, conceptual, abstract. F- Feeling 38% Empathetic, accepting, warm, values harmony. J- Judging 28% organized, systematic, achievement oriented, planner. I very much so agree with all of the results that I … Continue reading My Personality Test

Learning Styles- What Are You?

Picture credit due to After reading the article posted about the different and various learning styles I found out that there are four different learning styles that one student uses in order to obtain the most information possible. The acronym for this is called- VARK. 1.) Visual 2.) Auditory 3.) Read and write 4.) Kinesthetic After doing some research though, I found out that there … Continue reading Learning Styles- What Are You?

Stereotypes- April 14 2016

1.) Fundamental attribution error: The fundamental attribution error is when you judge people due to an internal factor and not taking into consideration the external factors. This website gave really good examples relating to the fundamental attribution error and helped me to understand it all better.  For example, your best friend might not talk to you as soon as they see you at school and … Continue reading Stereotypes- April 14 2016

Six Grand Theories- Attitude

1.) Psychoanalysis- The psychoanalysis theory believes that our behaviors and attitudes are due to inner forces, thoughts, feelings, memories and conflicts and that what we do is essentially beyond our awareness and control. We have both our conscious and unconscious thoughts that shape our attitudes into what they are. For example-  we take into consideration our instincts(id), our reality(ego) and our morality(superego) and that these three combined … Continue reading Six Grand Theories- Attitude